Friday, July 1, 2011

Husbands, High Heels and Hot Wear

After years of marriage, it's hard to keep the flames burning constantly at all times.  Especially once you have entered the AC season{After Children}. Those kids, house, dog, job, bills....boy, they can really take the fire right out of you! Chip and I are certainly no strangers to burn out.

I have noticed during our 16 years, that there are certain things that really help my husband stay tuned into me.  It also helps get him ready to love on me.  As a matter of fact, it actually helps ME when I am helping him.  Strange dynamic, I know, but it works!

Must have something to do with God talking about a mans body being owned by the wife and vice -versa....or something like that.          {I Cor 7:4}

So, one of those things that I do, is to wear things that I know Chip likes.  The one's that he's "raised the eyebrows" over.
Sometimes, it's things he's just blatantly told me to wear.
For years and years, whenever he wanted me to ''look sexy'' his vision was this long, brown, tight, button down business suit dress. 
{insert gag here}
I kept it in my closet for years hoping he'd forget about it.  I hated that thing.  It really wasn't sexy in the 2000' might have been in the early 90's...and that is what his memory kept going back to. 
So one day, knowing how much he thought he loved it, and kept bringing it up.....
I whipped it out, praying it would still actually fit me after 3 babies....but also praying he would hate it!
Thankfully, my prayers were answered and his fantasy fizzled out the second I put it on!
The sleeves were shrunk to my elbows, and some how the overall look was ,um, NOT what he remembered or expected.
We ended up having a good belly laugh about it all, and decided from then on, to stick to what's fashionable.
I happily escorted said biz suit to the local goodwill, hopefully finding it's home in someone needy with short arms and long legs.  
Going through this fiasco, we decided to be somewhat intentional and point out our favorite clothes on one another. 
I like Chip in tighter t-shirts to show off his muscles. {he tends to shy away from them}
He likes me in skirts and heels. {Can we say, sometimes uncomfortable and can't play mini-golf?}
Now, normally, you will find us in lounge wear around the house and when we go to the local freakshow Walmart.
But, on date nights, we try our best to defer our preferences in clothing by wearing what the other likes. 
Spicy marriages keep staying hot!

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